Our collaboration with Camden Town Brewery has been featured in V Magazine as one of the brands that will make your closet more socially conscious. Author Cat Sposato had the following to say about the Pubjamas:
"Now that the pandemic has completely ravaged our lives (and our closets) Camden Town Brewery and designer Karen Mabon have teamed up to create a fashion-forward outfit alternative that will give back to communities most impacted by COVID-19. In comes the Pubjamas, a beautiful set of firetruck-red pajamas that look going-out ready. 100% of the profits from the Pubjamas will be donated to Hospitality Action, a UK charity that supports those in the hospitality industry impacted by job loss and closures due to the pandemic."

The Pubjamas are available for purchase on camdentownbrewery.com and retail for £160.
Learn more about Hospitality Action here.
Read the full article here.